Facebook has signed its death certificate - it reads Facebook Timeline
Facebook is dead, long live Facebook! When will Facebook have pissed off enough users for them to admit that the new timeline blows? I admit it might be my personal opinion about it, and just the hundreds of "friends" (oh fat, this sounds soooo facebook) who are talking about it and asking how to change it back. I've done a little research on the topic and ...
How to turn Facebook straight again?
There's actually more than one answer to this question.
- The main one being the worst of course - You Lousy MF, you Can't Do It! You can't turn anyone straight! Didn't you know that? And the saddest part - if you haven't yet switched your profile into a timeline yet, most likely it will be done for you soon automatically.
- The second answer is that IF you enabled it during beta phase via the developers site, you might be able to remove it for now. And...sorry guys, all of you who were now hoping to fix your stupid move, it was possible to delete the timeline app some time ago, BUT this method is not working anymore due to changes in Facebook's settings. So no point in going into it.
- And then there's Fbpurity. These guys have taken a little different approach towards this issue. They have taken advantage of Facebook's laziness...or okay, practical mind, and the idea that you don't necessarily need to use Facebook to fix Facebook. The approach by these guys is browser based. It is important, however, to notice that because it's client-based approach and has nothing to do with Facebook's balls, you can change the Facebook look back to the old ugly look only for yourself. So if you don't like how your Facebook Timeline now looks and you change it for yourself, others will still see the timeline.
From positive side of course, all the timeline profiles you will be visiting, yours and others, will look to you as normal old profiles.
Another negative side of Fbpurity approach is that you need use Internet Explorer 7 engine and I don't know anyone who'd like to use Internet Explorer. But again from a positive side, you can use the IE7 engine with any browser. Now, if you are still interested, go here to get the instructions on how to change facebook look for you. These guys have basically just figured out the truth that Facebook hasn't updated their system for IE7 and because it's old already, they probably never will.
Come on, baby Mark, you own a small donuts house with branches all over the world and you don't like the fact that someone has created a support group for customers who have died of eating bad donuts, it sounds almost as bad as Justin Bieber. Yes, the truth is that according to one blogger (Jackie Cohen at AllFacebook) "less technologically inclined users of Facebook have said they find timeline overwhelming." He also mentions that even though there have been complaints after each and every upgrade, people have eventually gotten used to it. He also says that the timeline's changes might be a bit bigger learning curve.
Are people interested in yet another learning curve or yet another change they don't know they actually want Facebook to change it?I have two questions (or statements, I don't know yet) here - I'm not "less technologically inclined" user and I still don't like it and when I think about my mother or father who are using it, I'm gonna cry (..okay, cry for facebook? Dream on.). The second question/statement - are people interested in yet another learning curve or yet another change they don't know they actually want Facebook to change it?
There have been many comedians out there, and some guys actually like the timeline, but the comment I've found the best so far - "The thing is so freaky, I'm too scared to visit my profile now." (no source, just in case)
I personally simply don't like Facebook Timeline as a user - when I look at others profiles that use timeline profiles, I'm sure someone has created something even worse and will do it again, but considering everything, facebook is fucking up. As one thing, people don't have a choice what type of profile they can use - we don't like that.
I do have to admit that it looks more beautiful than before, but I would like to question the practicality of it. And independent of the reason, I'm quite certain it's a step towards Facebook's death. Well, even if somehow I'm wrong about the timeline (though I don't think I am), with each new day, everything is closer to its death, even I am. Fact!
One way or another, it might be a good time to create a new social network. Guys, anyone up for it? Or better yet, don't answer the previous question, answer this one - guys, anyone up for real life?
Cheers! Techdonk