Laptops & smartphones could be 1000 times faster
The field of technology has seen some major changes in the last two decades. These days, when someone comes out with something new, we are delighted to hear that, but hardly are we surprised anymore. So when I tell you that laptops & smartphones could actually be 1000 times faster thanks to discovery of the researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, you're probably not surprised. However, you are definitely happy to hear that.
I'm not really a techie, rather a TechDonk, but according to the news story, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have now generated a frequency comb with more than a 100 terahertz bandwidth.
The story says that "Up until now, studies on electronic and optical devices with materials that are the foundations of modern electronics - such as radio, TV, and computers - have generally relied on nonlinear optical effects, producing devices whose bandwidth has been limited to the gigahertz (GHz) frequency region./.../ Pitt's researchers have demonstrated a physical basis for terahertz bandwidth (THz, or 1 trillion cycles per second)—the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum between infrared and microwave light."
I have a feeling most of us have hard time imagining 1000 times bigger drives and 1000 times faster computers. I definitely can't. But I do have a feeling that this discovery will turn some far dreams of ours reality. If you're a technical person, be sure to check out the entire article at ZeeNews.
But for the TechDonks out there, the future is now (at least that's the saying), but you will still have to wait for it to happen, so until we can bring you something futuristic that you can actually touch, not just read about, head over to the Hewlett Packard voucher codes to make sure you get a computer that you actually can touch for the best price possible. US visitors please visit couponcodes4u.com for the latest coupon codes and offers.