Interested in marketing and tech? Join us Feb 11-13
If your everyday work includes anything related to digital marketing, keep reading. Online Marketing Summit (OMS) will be taking place February 11-13, 2013 and will be featuring more than 40 conference sessions and workshops on topics that you care about.
Looking at their speakers list, you can expect to hear from people working for Intel to people working for Sony, from SEMrush to Salesforce. Just to give you an idea about what's going to happen during the summit, see this -
The Online Marketing Summit will be bringing together marketing practitioners of all levels, provide them the opportunity to connect with peers, learn from experts, get a larger perspective of how digital marketing can and is actually influencing the customer engagement model and much more.
You can register for the online marketing summit on their website at onlinemarketingsummit.com. And as always, early birds have the chance to get in for cheaper price.
Marketing related topics to be tacked during the summit include analytics, content marketing, demand generation, search strategy and much more.
Disclosure: This post was ordered by an advertiser.